AMD releases Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.2.1 – brings lots of fixes

It’s Valentine’s day but new games are coming and AMD has to ensure their support on Radeon products with the new release of Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition version 17.2.1. The update also brings along a lot of fixed bugs and issues.

In case you wondered, the newly released games we mentioned are For Honor an action fighting game and Sniper Elite 4 – a third-person tactical shooter. The update brings official support for both titles. Some users experienced crashes when switching to full screen or menus from gameplay on multi-GPU setups in For Honor but now this is fixed. Both games will also receive multi-GPU support for DirectX 11.

The products from the Radeon HD 7900 series had problems with Civilization VI where some shadow corruption occurred. In Counterstrike: Global Offensive there was incorrect default slider values when Radeon Chill Enabled was enabled. Both problems are now fixed. GRID Autosport users experienced freezing when advanced lighting was enabled.

Another known issue now fixed is the problem with DXVA H.264 encoded video when using Radeon GCN products that could lead to corruption when seeking through content.

Radeon ReLive recording also has some bugs fixed. Recording in full screen with Windows Media Player or PowerDVD no longer will experience flickering. The open world survival video game DayZ had a chance of crashing when using Radeon ReLive Instant Replay/Recording but that is all gone now. Lastly, there was a low memory clock lock on R9 380 products which is now fixed.

You can download the update from here:

Meanwhile, you can check all available AMD products here:

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