ASUS has a tiny projector that’s worth considering when traveling around

    Asus-E1Z-projectorWe are talking about the so-called ASUS E1Z Projector that’s pretty impressive in size and the features that packs inside. The device weighs less than 300g and may be connected to every device you have at hand – a smartphone, tablet, notebook via micro USB port.

    Unlike most projectors, this one doesn’t need HDMI port for sharing content and instead relies on 3 ports – one for charging, one full-sized USB and one micro USB. The interesting thing here, however, is that not only fits in your pocket, but it can be used as an external battery and it can charge your phone or tablet. With its 6000 mAh battery it may prove quite useful in tight situations or it can be used for video playback as long as 3 hours of up time. All you need is to download a specific app from Google Play to access all the features.

    As for the projector itself, the E1Z can play content from around 1 meter from the wall and the size of the screen can be from 31″ to 100″ with native resolution of 854 x 480 pixels. You can get one for around $200 sometime in Q4 this year.

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