特点 13, 2015


List of all ASUS’ gaming laptops, which are coming with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M/965M

We’ve already told you about Lenovo’s upcoming configurations featuring the GTX 960M. Today our sources notified us that ASUS is also ready with some GTX 960M/965M equipped notebooks. We still don’t know their prices (we’re…

特点 09, 2015


Refreshed Lenovo Y50 variants with GTX 960M and new Intel processors are coming this March with decent pricing

Arguably, one of the most successful budget gaming notebooks on the market is the Lenovo Y50. This laptop is surely a great buy with its sleek design, thin profile and powerful hardware, but most of…

特点 02, 2015


GeForce GTX 960M and GTX 950M are coming next month followed by 940M

NVIDIA had a successful launch of their new Maxwell graphic chips, which showed a significant increase in terms of performance and most of you might ask when are we expecting the rest of the GTX…

12月 07, 2023



当大多数消费者关注 CPU 和 GPU 型号名称时,还有一个超级重要的因素决定了游戏笔记本电脑的性能–以及它是否真正符合游戏笔记本电脑的标准。 最关键的因素是散热系统,这一点经常被忽视,而且仅凭规格表是无法评估的。要对其进行正确评估,你需要看到笔记本电脑的拆解过程,并阅读像我们这样的详细评测。如下图所示,一台 RTX 4060 笔记本电脑和另一台笔记本电脑之间可能存在很大差异。 让我们通过一些好的和坏的例子来深入探讨这个问题。 1️⃣ Left: MSI Cyborg 15 with one fan (hidden below a ‘TRUE GAMING’ inscription) 2️⃣Right:宏碁掠夺者 Helios Neo 16 我们先从简单的开始,宏碁掠夺者Helios Neo 16和微星Cyborg 15,两者目前都在亚马逊上有售,价格相近!尽管这两款笔记本都搭载了强大的 40 系列显卡,但在散热解决方案方面却大相径庭。Helios 配备了140WRTX…