The new Moto G (3rd Gen) offers a huge battery life improvement over its predecessor

MotoG3-side5Motorola continues to polish its Moto G devices with each one better than its predecessor and the new Moto G3 is no exception here. The relatively high bump in the battery department (2070 mAh to 2470 mAh) makes a huge difference in real world performance. As you can see from the results below, the new Moto G3 betters the battery life of the Moto G2 by more than 30% in every situation.

We’ve got 1276 minutes of talk time, 610 minutes of Wi-Fi web surfing, 468 minutes of 3G web surfing, 324 minutes of 3D gaming and 671 minutes of video playback. In comparison, the Moto G2 endured 707 minutes of talk time, 479 minutes of Wi-Fi web surfing, 332 minutes of 3G web surfing, 417 minutes of video playback and 235 minutes of 3D gaming. We can easily say that the huge difference in battery performance can’t be just the 400 mAh bump, but the more energy-efficient GPU along with the whole Snapdragon 410 SoC are also the ones to blame. It’s nice to see a new Snapdragon CPU that doesn’t affect battery life in a bad way for a change this year.

For the full review of the Moto G3 (3rd Gen):

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