You can now buy the awesomely thin and light Xiaomi Air 12 and Air 13 at great price (+ coupon for a big discount)

    mi13tableYou may remember that in the not so distant future (just a couple of weeks ago, actually) we published an article previewing the key aspects of two budget-friendly ultrabooks – the Xiaomi Air 12 and Xiaomi Air 13. These laptops boast a commendable balance between price and features. However, the purpose of today’s short publication is to inform you that you can now order them at a lower price.

    If you want to learn more about their price, availability, and specs, you can use the following links: Xiaomi Air 12 and Xiaomi Air 13.

    What’s more, we have some coupon codes for you, our readers. If you are after the Xiaomi Air 12, you can use the code “Miair12” which will give you a price of $579.99. Or, if you want to go for the Xiaomi Air 13, your coupon code is “Miair13” and it gives you a price of only $888.99. Make up your mind because these offers are valid for a certain amount of time.

    Gearbest is running a flash sale with great promotions – check it out here: GEARBEST Flash Sale

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