Meet our next-generation display profiles – “Health-Guard”, “Design and Gaming” and “Office Work”

We’re proud to announce that after countless days and nights of analysis and development in our laboratory, the new generation of the custom-tailored LaptopMedia profiles is here. It comes with several major changes which should improve panel performance and user comfort and take them to a next level. Again, we focus on three types of profiles – “Health-Guard”, “Design and Gaming” and “Office Work”.

What are the profiles for?

Have you ever felt eyestrain or a headache after a long session in front of your computer? You’re not alone. And you should know why this is so and how you could protect your health. We faced this problem some years ago and began developing a solution for our users. We found that most screens on the market use aggressive PWM (screen flickering) for brightness control which is an easier and cheaper solution for manufacturers but it has a very negative impact on our eyes (read more). But that’s not all.

You should also become familiar with the Blue Light and its health impact, not just on your eyes but on your whole body. Nearly all displays on the market (not including AMOLED-equipped units, which doesn’t, however, make them completely safe) are of the LCD type (liquid-crystal systems). They make use of a light source based on LEDs. Budgetary concerns have rendered White LEDs (blue diodes with phosphorous coatings to achieve the desired spectral result) very popular. Artificial Blue light (~443nm) affects melatonin synthesis severely. There is a research (see here) indicating that out of the entire visible spectrum, it is precisely the blue section (415-445nm) that triggers the brain into ‘day mode’, which stops melatonin synthesis, and then cortisol kicks in.

As indicated in various medical sources, natural melatonin produced by the pineal gland has a vital role in securing our health, in addition to being the key to falling asleep. Lack of sufficient melatonin can lead to a wide variety of diseases and conditions, including fatigue and migraines, to name a few of the more mundane ones. Read more HERE. Luckily, we found a solution to both PWM and Blue Light – the Health-Guard profile.

For every laptop that visits our laboratory, we also create Design and Gaming and Office Work profiles. The first one is made for Web designers and Gamers while the latter is made to be of great help for everyday work or surfing. Scroll down to find out what our profiles do and how you can get them.



The first and most important profile (in our opinion) is the Health-Guard – when being used with our LM Profiles application, Health-Guard eliminates the harmful Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) and reduces the negative Blue Light which affects our eyes and body. Since it’s custom tailored for every panel, it manages to keep the colors perceptually accurate (they may seem strange at first but after a few minutes our brain will start recognizing them as accurate ones – that’s how Health-Guard differs from alternatives like f.lux).

Now the profile has a higher color temperature which makes it suitable for working through the whole day (not only at night) and simulates paper so the pressure on the eyes is greatly reduced.

*Please keep your Windows brightness slider at its max position, and use the LM profiles’ integrated “No PWM brightness slider” for controlling the luminance.

Pro Tip: As the Health-Guard profile simulates paper and has as accurate as possible colors, it could be a great tool for prepress designers!

Left: No Profile | Drag the slider to see the difference | Right: Health-Guard Profile

Read more about PWM | Read more about Blue Light

Design and Gaming

The second profile type is Design and Gaming – it combines our previous “Web Design” and “Gaming and Movie Nights” profiles in one, so it’s aimed at designers who work with colors professionally, and for games and movies as well (or maybe you’re a designer who likes to relax with some games or movies from time to time?).

“Design and Gaming” takes display panels to their limits, making them as accurate as possible in the sRGB IEC61966-2-1 standard for Web and HDTV, at white point D65.

Color accuracy (lower result indicators are better)

No profile

With the “Design & Gaming” profile

Left: No Profile | Drag the slider to see the difference | Right: Design & Gaming Profile

Just as our previous Gaming profile, this one also regulates the first steps out of black so you can have even faster reflexes when playing in dark virtual environments…or just see everything in the darkest scenes in movies.

Left: No Profile | Drag the slider to see the difference | Right: Design & Gaming Profile

Office Work

The third profile is Office Work and it should be used mostly by users who spend most of the time looking at pieces of text, tables or just surfing.

Office Work aims to deliver better distinctness and clarity by keeping a flat gamma curve (2.20), native color temperature and perceptually accurate colors.

Left: No Profile | Drag the slider to see the difference | Right: Office Work Profile

How to buy our profiles?

You can purchase our profiles from the “Buy our profiles” section of our Reviews or through our PWM ranking / Supported laptops pages.

If you buy the three profiles together you’ll get a major discount. All of the profits immediately go to our laboratory for further research & development, so you can expect even more detailed and interesting reviews in the future.

If you’d like to contact us, drop us a line at [email protected].

*If the download target is a .php file instead of an archive, change the file extension to .zip.

Installation and Usage

The profiles require no installation. Simply save them to your hard drive. To effortlessly use and swap profiles, in collaboration with, we have developed the LM Profiles 2.0 application. Just download it and Drag & Drop the profiles over the app. That’s it! Now you can easily switch modes and take advantage of the PWM Free Brightness Slider in the Health-Guard section.

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Juan Gangoso
Juan Gangoso
7 lata temu

Hey could I get the new set of profiles? I just bought the old set for this particular TN Panel: NT156FHM-N41

Rossen Pandev
7 lata temu
Odpowiedź na  Juan Gangoso

We still haven’t created the new generation profiles for this model. Maybe in the near future when we review a unit with this panel.

6 lata temu

How to use profiles on macOS Sierra?

6 lata temu

I bought the health guard profile yesterday and the PWM seems to still be there when I lower the brightness. How is this possible?

Rossen Pandev
6 lata temu
Odpowiedź na  Aissa

In the instruction, it says that you need to keep the brightness slider at 100%. We still (actually, no one has) can’t find a way to permanently remove PWM so that’s why we tamper with the overall color reproduction and contrast to make the display seem dimmer at maximum brightness so you can still use the display without PWM.

Mad Max
Mad Max
6 lata temu

Hi just brought the three profiles however I can seem to get the LM Profiles app to open. Any suggestions?

Rossen Pandev
6 lata temu
Odpowiedź na  Mad Max

Can you tell us the panel you bought them for so we can help you out?

6 lata temu

Hi, I was wondering how you could claim fixing PWM through your display profiles, when it seems related to the hardware of the screen itself, and after perusing the comments herein, I realize that you do NOT fix PWM at all.
Claiming that you fix it is misleading at best..
Please stop pretending you offer solutions to this serious issue, where in fact you just do nothing, merely lowering the image quality through contrast modulation is not “fixing” PWM…

Anton Žižek
6 lata temu

I purchased all three profile. The aplication LM Profiles app is not working. I have Dell XPS 15, 9560, FHD. Could you please help me. Thank you. Anton

6 lata temu

Hi Simeon. Thanks for all this useful information. I appreciate. I have a HP Envy 13 with a UHD ie, 3200×1800 display. CPU is 7500U, with no external video card. My questions are: 1. Does this display also have PWM-induced flicker like the FHD model ? What is the frequency ? 2. If so, do you have a specific Health-Guard profile and software to correct the PWM related flicker for this particular UHD display model ? The only form of the software on your website is said to optimize a FHD (1920X1080) HP display. Which I cannot purchase, since it… Czytaj więcej »

Husein Bhinderwala
Husein Bhinderwala
6 lata temu

Hi I purchased the profiles but when i download from the email link I get a PHP file and not the profiles as mentioned for the app. Please help. Thank you.

Husein Bhinderwala
Husein Bhinderwala
6 lata temu
Odpowiedź na  Simeon Nikolov

Thank you!

5 lata temu

Hi, I bought Design and Gaming profile and can’t see any change to colors. I displayed color wheel, set the profile and there is no change!

Color monkey
Color monkey
5 lata temu

Dell Latitude 5590 colours of BOE06CB display stay the same bad as before. The colors with this 6-bit panel can’t look similar as with 8-bit panel. The color profile did not help 🙁 With the color profiles here you almost does not recognize a color change, not worth buying it.

5 lata temu

bought all 3 profiles and got flickering screen. This is some kind of nonsense. ASUS Splendid works free of charge and correctly. Return the money?

3 lata temu
Odpowiedź na  Roman

i had the same problem, check in the tray next to the clock, if the app helth-guard is open twice.

5 lata temu

Dell Latitude 7480: Can you confirm the exact configuration of this machine that I would have to buy to get the same panel used in your review please? Must it have the same processor, amount of ram etc or can I buy any configuration as long as it’s a 7480? Thank you.

5 lata temu

I just purchased the 3 profiles for the Innolux N173HHE-G32 (CMN1747). Downloaded your LM Profiles 2 application and upon launching I get a pop up REDX

C:\Program files\LM-Profiles-2.exe
“A referral was returned from the server.”

Lucy Wikeley
Lucy Wikeley
5 lata temu

My screen got a lot yellower after adding the gaming and design profile is this right? whites are now cream and photoshop has turned brown. I’ve obviously not had a proper screen accuracy ever so I don’t even know what colour things should be.