Toshiba: Having some trouble with the BYOD policy of your company? Maybe it’s time to move to CYOD

0With the fast pace of development in technology and platforms, new meanings of work space, work device, mobility, security and data management are at hand. Now we are facing business that’s highly dependent on apps and cloud systems so you can reach your sensitive data from anywhere. However, this raises some concerns because while people are comfortable with this kind of system, it opens up for unwanted attacks.

With the BYOD system (bring your own device), employees feel comfortable with the choice of their own OS and devices but makes some of the small and middle-sized enterprises vulnerable to hacker attacks, malware. And the BYOD policy has been chosen by many companies around the world from the very beginning, mostly when it comes to smartphones and tablets. As for notebooks, the BYOD system doesn’t go very deep in that segment.

Danko Ivanov, manager for Toshiba Europe in Bulgaria, shares his insight on the matter. He cites a research that shows growing BYOD system in the mobility sector, but more companies stick with the CYOD (choose your own device) policy with their desktop PCs and laptops. This way the middle-sized enterprises and small ones can protect their sensitive data more easily and employees have the freedom the choose between pre-selected devices.

With the ever growing technology market, employees don’t have to be strongly limited with their choice of work device. Different types of businesses can rely on various types of notebooks and configurations that best suit their needs. So the CYOD policy is growing among middle-sized and small enterprises and that’s a step in the right direction. Employees don’t have to stick with one or two pre-selected devices while the companies can keep their sensitive data safe.

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8 years ago

There is another excellent choice – JYOD. (Join Your Own Device to corporate domain), free and easy.