This Unity demo portrays the future of graphics in games and virtual reality (video)

UntitledUnity is an engine used for the creation of computer games that present not only a rich but also a very beautiful virtual world. Some of the games that have been developed with this engine are Firewatch, Syberia 3, Cities: Skylines and even Rust. The company has intentions to enrich this list and it was at their European Unity conference that the Americans showed that the creation of a world which successfully imitates reality is not that hard at all – the video below confirms this claim.

It was rendered in real time with the help of GeForce GTX 980, and with a resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels. Additionally, the name of the video is Adam and it is very likely that this will be the protagonist (a robot in this case). We are presented with a touching story and the created world makes us wonder if we should expect this in the years to come. Can VR technology offer this kind of graphics? Well, if the answer is yes, our daily routine will be completely influenced by VR.

If you are interested in GeForce GTX 980, you can check its price and availability here:

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