The Gen-Z consortium announces a new low-latency/high-performance storage class memory


    Have you ever heard about the Gen-Z consortium? Well, don’t worry it’s not a well-known one but includes a bunch of familiar names including Dell EMC, Samsung, Lenovo, Micron, Huawei, IBM, ARM, AMD, etc. Interestingly enough, Intel is missing from the list for now.

    Anyway, the consortium just came out with a pretty interesting announcement about a new storage class memory that should be a game-changer because it will deliver high performance and low latency increasing the bandwidth for hundreds of GB/s. At the same time, it will be able to take care of the media interface instead of the SoC. It will also unlock scalable memory pools for in-memory applications. Another notable feature would be the raised security and compatibility. In fact, the new protocol is going to be ready for implementation to the currently existing operating systems without the need of any additional changes in the OS. And the best part is that the protocol will be made available for free.


    The gathering in the Gen-Z consortium doesn’t actually come as a surprise because the currently available technology is moving at such a fast pace that soon we will be talking about Internet of things and the need for huge data centers, which should analyze the information blazingly fast, will rise. That’s why the industry needs to move fast and develop a next-generation storage class memory that will work instantly and reliably with today’s hardware. So the Gen-Z delivers. Nonetheless, the protocol itself isn’t announced yet so don’t hold your breath.

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