NVIDIA GeForce 378.66 WHQL driver released
NVIDIA has released its newest update to the GeForce graphics card driver. Driver version 378.66 brings official support for both Valentine blockbusters – the third-person tactical shooter Sniper Elite 4 and the action fighting game For Honor as well as for the upcoming Halo Wars 2 which is about to launch on February 21st. The update also brings support for Video SDK 8.0, which features High-bit-depth (10/12-bit) decoding (VP9/HEVC), OpenGL input surface support for encoder, weighted prediction, and H.264 ME-only mode enhancements.
You can download the driver from here: http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/115492/en-us
And you can check all available NVIDIA products here: http://amzn.to/2inSKeA
Here’s a list of the new features and fixed issues:
Game Ready
Provides the optimal gaming experience for Sniper Elite 4, For Honor, and Halo Wars 2.
New Features
Video SDK 8.0
- High-bit-depth (10/12-bit) decoding (VP9/HEVC)
- OpenGL input surface support for encoder
- Weighted Prediction
- 264 ME-only mode enhancements
Application SLI Profiles
No SLI profiles were added with this version.
3D Vision Profiles
Added or updated the following 3DV profiles:
- Sniper elite 4 – Not recommended
3D Compatibility Mode Profiles
These games must be run in DirectX 10/11 mode to see improvements and are not compatible with 3D Vision Surround mode.
Added or updated the following compatibility mode profiles:
- Sniper Elite 4 – Excellent
- For Honor – Excellent
Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 378.66
- [Surround]: Surround cannot be enabled on the XGPU. [200236703]
- [G-Sync]: With G-Sync and V-Sync both enabled, there is a long delay when switching a game from full-screen mode to windowed mode.[1867557]
- [Second Life 64-bit]: World view is tinted blue after disabling Advanced Lighting Model. [200274562]
- [The Division]: Shadows flicker after enabling PCSS. [1867573]
- [Kepler GPUs][Battlefield 1]: There is flickering in the game when using TAA. [1865681]
- [SLI][Battlefield Day28 Patch]: The menu text becomes jittery with SLI is enabled. [1837721]
- [SLI][Surround][GeForce GTX 1080]: The system crashes when launching games in SLI Surround using HDMI 2.0 connections. [1834142]
- [GeForce GTX 1080][Heroes of Storm]: The game crashes when launched. [200274793]
- [GeForce 860M][Notebook]: Direct X games crash. [1868454]
- [Minecraft]: Java SE Binary crashes pointing to nvinitx.dll. [200274582]
- [GeForce GTX 980 Ti]: The driver is unable to detect multiple TV models. [1788948]