Check out our Laptop M.2 SSD Compatibility List

M2-laptops-ssdThe SSDs are fantastic storage options that give you great transfer speeds and reliability, but they’re not so lucrative if you are in need of big storage for your movie or music library. Most of you know that the M.2 slots are really useful in these situations, providing the option of having fast SSD drive that doesn’t consume much space from the laptop’s body and leaving the 2.5” slot for a hard drive with bigger capacity.

Although the presence of M.2 is that great, many manufacturers and retailers don’t give you info if your next laptop has one or not. That’s why we made a Laptop M.2 SSD Compatibility List in which, after every detailed review we publish, we’ll leave a note with the laptop’s model, type of M.2 slot, review link and a disassembled photo or a link to an “inside” article.

If you want us to find and check a specific laptop model that isn’t on the list (e.g. whether a certain device uses PWM, does it have an M.2 slot, etc), you could contritubte to the development through that page:

>> To the Laptop M.2 (NGFF) SSD Compatibility List <<

Also, you can contribute by commenting below the list, including your exact laptop model, the type of M.2 slot (SATA / PCIe x4…), its size (60/80mm…) and key type (B/M/B&M). Add a photo, if you would like, by leaving a link to a cloud/upload service.

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