How hot can Sony Xperia X Performance with its Snapdragon 820 get?
One of the main differences between Sony Xperia X Performance and the remaining Xperia X models is about the mobile CPU that hides under the hood. In X Performance this is Snapdragon 820, which is one of the most powerful mobile chips on the market. Undoubtedly, it will ensure higher performance but we are curious to see if it would lead to an extensive exterior overheating after a continuous stress test.
To answer this question we conducted our temperature test that consists of several hours of 3D gaming simulated with the help of the Epic Citadel app. Immediately after this, we measured the maximum temperature values in three sections on the phone’s back. It turned out that Sony’s flagship smartphone keeps its surface cool, unlike Xperia XA. The hottest point we observed in X Performance was 40.3 degrees Celsius (in the camera area), which is not at all a worrying value.
If you are interested in this smartphone, you can check its current price and availability here: