NVIDIA confirms GeForce GTX 1080 Ti – “Step Up” offer available for 980 Ti owners
The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti has been in the rumor mill for the past several months. Now NVIDIA confirms it officially in a LinkedIn post. The post reveals that the graphic card will be aimed to enthusiastic gamers and also there will be a special offer for GTX 980 Ti owners. They will be first in line to pre-order the new 1080 Ti and they will also get the chance to participate in a Step Up program.
Targeted Spot Prizes To Drive Sentiment, Reward Behavior, And Grow Advocates
Free game codes for users who report a confirmed bug or contribute useful feature enhancement requests
Free game codes to our most active Share and GeForce Forum users
Free game codes to users who rank most negative and most positive on our sentiment tools
980 Ti users get first spot in line for 1080 Ti pre-orders, or “Step Up” offer
As we can see NVIDIA will offer their customers some free goodies such as game codes as a “thank you” for their contribution in improving the products.
It seem that NVIDIA is also planning to launch a new service – “Club GeForce Elite” – a subscription based program which gives away beta keys, discounts, games etc. for a fee of $10 a month.
We Introduce ‘Club GeForce Elite’ — Which Has a $10/mth Fee And Gives Gamers
Rotating bundle of free games from our GFE app store (4x games per quarter)
Free GeForce PC in the cloud subscription
Exclusive skins, in-game items, and GeForce Gear