A gallery of stunning photos taken with Sony Xperia XZ and X Compact

Nowadays smartphonеs can not only challenge some cameras on the market, they can even outperform them in some cases. And we are not taking in mind only the number of megapixels, we mean the real performance, picture quality, detail, sharpness, colors and the overall ability to take some beautiful snapshots even in low light conditions. Sony offered us to prove this so we took the challenge with pleasure. Here is a gallery that we created using smartphones from the Japanese OEM’s portfolio – Xperia XZ (review) и Xperia X Compact (quick look, expect a full review in the near future).

We would be glad if you liked the photos and if you want to have such a smartphone, you can check out Sony’s range here:

“Italy”, captured with Xperia XZ

“Over the hills”, captured with Xperia XZ

“Art”, captured with Xperia XZ

“Sea world”, captured with Xperia XZ

“On the surface”, captured with Xperia XZ

“Sunny walk”, captured with Xperia XZ

“Light’s road”, captured with Xperia XZ

“The key to Love”, captured with Xperia XZ

“When you have to move on”, captured with Xperia XZ

“Snow white”, captured with Xperia XZ

“Icy heart”, captured with Xperia XZ

“New life”, captured withXperia XZ

“A good friend”, captured with Xperia XZ

“Winter vibe”, captured with Xperia XZ

“Night shine”, captured with Xperia XZ

“Freshness”, captured with Xperia X Compact

“Target”, captured with Xperia X Compact

“A morning smile”, captured with Xperia X Compact

“Forever”, captured with Xperia X Compact

“Ice drop”, captured with Xperia X Compact

“Near you always and everywhere”, captured with Xperia X Compact

“Never give up”, captured with Xperia X Compact

If you liked the photos you get get a Sony Xperia smartphone from here: http://amzn.to/2jkZwUF

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Ernesto Rivera
7 years ago

Hello there, all this images were taken using superior auto?