Acer Aspire Switch 12 shows great battery life and good overall performance

    23409-Acer-Aspire-Switch-12-1Since the official release of the new Aspire Switch 12, the most interesting thing about it is the Core M processor. This SoC is part of the new generation Broadwell chips, which boasts improved performance while maintaining low TDP for a good battery life.

    Well, initial results confirm this and we can say that we are quite pleased with the battery life, well at least for a laptop. Results are 409 minutes web browsing, 300 minutes for watching a movie and 190 minutes 3D gaming. All tests are performed at identically conditions: turned on Wi-Fi, Bluetooth turned off, “Power Saver” on, and the screen is dimmed at 120 cd/m2. Those results look pretty good for a laptop, but the Switch 12 can’t keep up with most of the tablets on the market.

    Also, the overall performance is good and the Core M processor outperforms “2-in-1” devices equipped with low TDP SoCs and most importantly – it handles all tasks fast, works snappy and fluently. For most consumers, it will be a great portable, yet powerful device for work.

    Our review of the device is almost ready, so stay tuned to be released in the upcoming days.

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