Dell Vostro 5459 uses PWM at really low frequency

    184574_dell-vostro-5459-vti31498w-greyLet’s revisit Dell’s affordable and compact 14-inch business solution the Vostro 5459 for a bit. This time, however, we will talk about the presence of PWM we’ve recorded with our oscilloscope. Unfortunately, the news isn’t good.

    You can find the notebook’s price and configurations here:

    The maximum brightness of the screen is just 208 cd/m2 making it a bit dim but still perfectly fine for a well-lit room or office environment and our best guess is that most of the time you will be using it at 100% brightness. If not, we strongly recommend that you do because we’ve recorded pulsations at 300 Hz. This is an extremely low PWM frequency making it more aggressive to one’s eyesight and even users who don’t have problematic sensitive eyes might feel the strain after prolonged use.


    The good news is that we have a very simple and affordable solution for you – our Health-Guard screen profile, which limits the PWM to some extent and also brings down the blue light emissions to a more bearable level. We will hit you up with those profiles as soon as the full review is ready so stay tuned.

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