The sales of Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 will be discontinued in 2016

msAfter Microsoft ended the support for Windows XP and the release of the new Windows 10, which tempo was lowered, the company from Redmond takes even more drastic measures to impose the latest version of their OS.

This is to happen through the course of several interesting steps. The first one is by suspending all sales of notebooks, tablets and everything else with Windows 7 or 8.1 from the 31st of October 2016. Even more interesting is the fact that the devices still using Windows 8 will be discontinued in June 2016. However, this doesn’t mean that the support for that version of the OS will be stopped, like the case with XP. With this move the company forces their latest OS to the users, thinking it will be a positive change for the end users.

The second reason for this drastic change is the already discontinued sales of some versions of Windows 7 like Basic, Premium and Ultimate. At the time, you can only find Windows 7 Professional as well as the slightly better ,in terms of UI design, successor – Windows 8 and 8.1.

The support for Windows 7 will continue until January 2020, Windows 8 – 2018 and Windows 8.1 – 2023.

Interestingly, Microsoft doesn’t usually rush to share information about such quick changes, but the company obviously has a different view about the future of its operation systems and which software must be available for upcoming devices. Keep this in mind and remember that if you want to stick to Windows 7 you have one year left to get a device that runs on a different OS besides Mac and Linux.

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